Our Flamboyant code
Towards a more dynamic discipline.
In implementing this Discipline Policy, this wonderful set of values is what we feel should be the ultimate goal towards which our pupils should strive.
At Flamboyant School we believe that our pupils should be encouraged and taught to make the right choices in life. In order to do this they need to be empowered with the firm foundation of values against which they can measure themselves and their actions.
We also believe that our children already have an intrinsic knowledge of right and wrong that they have developed in their homes, in places of worship and at school.
It is necessary for our pupils to consider the consequences of their choices and actions. They must realise that there are consequences attached to any choice or action, depending on the action the consequence will be positive or negative. The focus of this policy is on the pupil coming to terms with his / her actions and what he / she should do to rectify the situation.
Obviously if the child continues to make wrong choices, then we need to look at whether the pupil is not perhaps trying to "buck the system" and this would be the time for suitable punishment to be introduced. In more serious cases it would also be the time when we would request parents to become involved in the disciplinary proceedings.
In all schools, pupils need clear guidelines and structures in order for effective learning to take place. This structure should also be applied in the case of disciplinary measures. Pupils need to know where the boundaries are and need to know the consequences for crossing the boundaries. Another important fact relating to discipline is that it must be consistent with the action. To ensure that this takes place, there needs to be set procedure for disciplining the pupils.
General behaviour
The punishment for any misdemeanour must be appropriate
This disciplinary structure is in line with the Code of Conduct
There needs to be a continuation of this that can lead to the pupils being:
Placed in afternoon detention
The system must be thought through very carefully and there must be a paper trail.
The Head reserves the right, in accordance with the Law of South Africa, to punish children for below-standard work, bad behaviour or for any act that brings the school discredit.
The Head reserves the right to delegate authority to punish children to other members of staff
The Head reserves the right to suspend any child for serious misconduct or continual poor effort in class.
The Head, in consultation with the Management Council, reserves the right to suspend any child or to expel any child who has been suspended if, at his discretion, he feels that this step is necessary.
There will be a roster for staff duties at detention
Teachers will be called upon to administer this detention
Detention days will be decided upon as and when the need arises
Detention will be for one hour from 13h40 - 14h40, or from 12h40 - 13h40 if on a Friday If a child is placed in detention, the class teacher must fill out a "Notice of Detention" letter which will be sent home to the parents, with a reply slip. Once the reply slip has been received, the teacher must place the pupil's name in the Detention Book, kept by the Head of Department (Senior Phase)
The letter to parents regarding the detention must be sent at least one week before the detention date
The teacher requesting the detention must ensure that the pupil has sufficient work to occupy him / her for the one hour of detention
Daily report
This means of monitoring will be implemented after continual unsuccessful attempts in trying to assist the pupil to take a more responsible approach to his / her work, e.g. homework, projects not done, a fall in academic performance, non-compliance to classroom regulations, etc.
It is important to stress that there must be both positive and negative reinforcement for behaviour. The disciplinary policy must in no way be seen as a negative one, but must also reward good behaviour, work, etc.
Within the classroom the Senior Phase teachers may adopt the system of credits and debits. Teachers are at liberty as to how they wish to record these credits and debits.
Any teacher who teaches the pupil may enter details on the relevant page, and any teacher may give house points / credits to any pupil in the school.
Any teacher may give merits / demerits to any pupil.
In essence the system works as follows
Positive behaviour/work = Positive house points
Negative behaviour = Negative house points
Detention (held on an afternoon for one hour)
Daily report
Head & parents meet ("Behaviour Agreement" could be signed between parents, pupil & school)
Suspension or expulsion
Bronze (25 house points for each Bronze Certificate)
Silver (50 house points each for Silver Certificate)
Gold (75 house points for Gold Certificate
At the end of every week, register class teachers will transfer house points gained and lost onto Merit / Demerit sheets.
While care must be taken to consider the age of the Junior Primary pupils, it is necessary to have rules and consequences in place which should apply to all pupils at Flamboyant. All of the above are at the discretion of the teacher, Head of Department or Head and each individual pupil and circumstance must be considered.
Be firm but fair!
If a child has misbehaved very badly and the teacher feels the misdemeanour warrants break detention, she may enforce it without first taking off house points.
In conclusion, we do not want the school governed by strict and stifling rules and regulations. However, it is important to draw boundaries for the pupils. They must also know where the boundaries are and that there are consequences for wrong choices or overstepping these boundaries. This document aims to ensure that fair and consistent consequences are imposed.
While we will continue to follow a "Zero Tolerance" policy towards drugs, alcohol and dangerous objects or weapons on the school property, the school does reserve the right to investigate each situation and impose a lesser "sentence" if it deems it to be in the best interests of the child concerned, as well as the school.